From Red Meat to Milestones: The Road to Wellness and 50!

The weight has stayed stable oddly enough, even though I’m continuing with eating healthily, and my overall wellness, so yes, it’s a little frustrating when the weight doesn’t even come down by a few grams but anyway, patience is a virtue. 

I have about 3 weeks left to lose 2.6 kg at the least, I’m not sure if that is going to happen but we keep going at the very least. I’ve already lost 10 percent of my body weight which is not bad when you think about that. Plus, the centimeters lost, and being South African, I probably eat too much red meat, so I need to cut down on that and up more fish and chicken!

Other than that, feeling strong, feeling healthy, and well in the final stretch just running down the final pathway to 50 – I’m very, very excited! 

Looking forward to my next weigh-in – my guess will be around 600 grams down and under the 68kg mark.

Have a great weekend everybody.