Day 10 – Meal Prep and Flight Check

I’m sitting in the airport lounge eating my lettuce leaves, some beans, and a bit of protein humus.

I sit here and ponder what on earth am I doing? …. but I must admit, with no drinking, eating clean, eating healthy, I’m feeling really good.

I haven’t missed out on any of the boozing, it’s actually quite refreshing saying, ‘No, thanks, I’ll just have a Coke Zero’. So, yes the weight is not coming off as quickly as last week, and I think the second and third weeks are always going to be the toughest where you are starting to adapt and um er, be a loser!

I will continue this journey, I was up at 7 am and into the gym, doing a 30-minute cycle and weights, so all is going well, and that’s it for now, this is strong Rob signing off.

Cheers to the UK, and hello SA.